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Money is simply a proxy for power by sillybear2 from hpc forum

March 22, 2009

Money is simply a proxy for power, we both know fiat is nothing but scraps of worthless paper, what gives it value is the fact the state compels you to beat up your fellow man in order to gather enough to pay your ‘taxes’ and avoid jail, without such coercion fiat money would be worthless. From the governments point of view gathering bits of worthless paper from the plebs is worthless in itself, they can just print as much of this toilet paper as they wish anyway, what gives it value for them is the fact they can reverse the con, the state wants a share of your labour and productive output, just like a feudal lord, so it returns the paper back to the system for ‘real’ objects. The state doesn’t want worthless paper the same way the feudal lord doesn’t want paying in land, he doesn’t need anymore, he wants the fruits of the land without getting his hands dirty, the means of production is worthless to him because ironically he has a monopoly on it.

Anyway, what got modified you ask, the institutions were modified, power was once exercised by the church, we had Galileo and the reformation and people started to realise their system of control was an illusion that was “full of sh1t” to put it bluntly, just how we are now realising the neo-usurers are worthless parasites that feed off the system. Once power shifted to Parliament the sociopaths migrated too, hence the civil war.

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